♥ Friday, April 30, 2010
Bad news ):
I cant upload any photos for the time being.
my card reader is spoilt ):
and i need to get a new card reader.
but i dun think i will get 1 so quick.
cos i need to settle a few bills and get some stuffs first.
and the fact that i wont be workin for 1 mth.
i wont have any pay for june ):
but i believe i will get as much rest as i can (:
Loved ♥
♥ Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I feel so irritated today..
i dunno why.
i guess im too tired bah.
everytime im tired i get super irritated.
and make a big fuss out of everything...
haiss :/
Loved ♥
♥ Friday, April 23, 2010

I found this in my fren blog.
and i find it so true..
Loved ♥
Its Friday !!!
*skips around*
5 more days of work ! and im outta this company !! (:
next thurs gg for an interview.
hopefully i can get in ! *cross fingers*
anyway, weekends are here.
and i can get my rest again !
i do wish i can get a massage done.
think i nv sleep properly these few days..
but nah ! have to save money !!
i wanna study in PinkRoom (:
anyway, recently i nv buy anything lorx.
damn proud of myself.
if i can rmb. this mth i only bought a knitted top from BC.
wanted to get a top from HH but it was sold out.
Sweetheart say like that i can save money.
cos i hate back orders.
but nvm. next week i will receive more clothes.
things from my BO wahhahahah *grins*
Loved ♥
♥ Thursday, April 22, 2010

pretty bo ?! not pretty i also dun care.
cos i think its very pretty. my hardwork leh !
Loved ♥
Im sad like once i woke up this morning.
cos HH launch in the mornin.
and i knew by the time i reach to office it will be sold out.
true enough it was sold out ):
anyway. on a brighter note i finally finish my blinged casing !
after 4 days of travelling to ps to keep gettin my blings..
spending about 2 hrs everyday to do the blings.
spent about $70 on everything..
I finally finish it ! and am proud of it now.
its super blinged i tell you ! (:
Loved ♥
♥ Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I decided to delete the previous post.
dun wan my blog to be filled of such unhappy things.
Loved ♥
♥ Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finally JY posted my nails pics le (:
Super kawaii right ?
it was super attention seeking.
even when im eatin ppl will wan to see my nails.
in mrt also. :/
but thats de whole idea right ?
have ppl envy your pretty nails !
anyway. i simply adore that set of nails JY did.
and i was able to have it on for 1 mth !
just got a new set done last sat (:
will post the pics once she post in on her blog.
Loved ♥
♥ Monday, April 19, 2010
Its monday again :/
9 more working days..
I really hope it will be a fast 1.
and so. yesterday i went to bought some bling blings from PS.
kindda expensive.
cos normally i will go to arab street to get it.
but cos its only open on weekdays.
and it closes at 6pm sharp !
so i couldnt make it at all
bought like $24 worth of blings and deco stuffs
thought it was enough.
but after blinging up my phone.
i realise. its only 1/3 done. gosh. need to spend another $24 bucks i guess ):
im like so broke already..
and den. tonight BC gg to launch again. omg !
hopefully i wont see anything nice.
so that i wont spend extra money again.. (:
Loved ♥
♥ Friday, April 16, 2010
Today is Friday again..
weekend is here ! super happy (:
anyway today is also the last day for the interns in my company.
im so going to miss them.
esp since 2 emo kid just join our company.
okie. i dun wanna say so much here.
so, after today. i will be left with 10days of work with this company.
hoping it will be a fast 1.
i cant imagine myself being cope up in a office with 2 emo kid. :/
Im feeling super super tired now.
it could be due to the weather too.
so shiok to sleep lorx.
i almost didnt want to come to work.
but i pulled up and dragged myself to work. haha.
super tired lorx ! cant blog much also.
need to do some report now. ~ (:
Loved ♥
♥ Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I believe this is so true..
its like sorry is a simple word. any1 can say it.
but shdnt your action shows it too ?
to be honest. time and time again. i often hear this word.
some1 hurts me or do sth to me.
and when that person realise.
the only thing i get from that person is SORRY !
do you know how irritating it feels to hear this word and yet the same mistake is being made?!
i know it. cos i had experienced it.
i guess i can say is. every1 has their limit to trust that some1.
but if you keep doing sth to hurt the person and the only thing you are good at
is saying sorry. den be prepare to lose this friend.
its not as thou you cant say sorry to apologise.
but wads the point of saying sorry. when you dun do anything to heal that person?
(just sth that came into my mind when i saw the above pic.)
Loved ♥
♥ Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Taken during the weekends (:

Henderson Wave ! its really very windy and relaxing.
Almost fall asleep while sittin there.

Cam Wored !(:

Took these after the Steamboat with my sec sch classmates.
There is more. but den. im lazy to upload so many.
seeing too many photos makes me go crazy.
but ya. photos are all taken with Sweetheart.
Cos he is the only person im hanging out with for the past 3 weeks.
Anyway, Im such a kuku. I was so tired.
I wore shorts to work. hahah :D
imagine that. me wearin shorts and tshirt to office ! so cool lorx. :x
lucky me. boss is not in Sngapore.. wahhaha :D
Loved ♥
♥ Monday, April 12, 2010
im lazy to upload photos i took over the weekend. will try to do so soon.
anyway. i have just created a Twitter acct.
I always say twitter is stupid.
but here i am being a stupid person to have a twitter acct.
anyway. do follow me !
Loved ♥
♥ Sunday, April 11, 2010
No Updates recently..
i just got my hp cover few days back.
but i dun think i will be changin the cover already ):
cos i cant change the whole back cover. they will have the battery cover..
i wanted to wrap. also cannot ):
so i dun think i wanna have pink and black as my cover theme.
it looks weird :/
i still dunno if i can bling de phone.
still thinkin of wad i can do thou..
super sianx !
think i shall just sell the cover.. at least wont lose so much..
will update more tml.
Loved ♥
♥ Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Actually there are more photos. but i damn lazy to upload.
may get it done tonight ! (:
see my mood. more photos can also be found in my fb..
Loved ♥
♥ Monday, April 05, 2010
Its monday again :/
got quite a no. of photos to upload but den i forget to bring my card reader.
pay finally went in.
but yet. im half broke already !
need to save money plus give my mum money.
sian 1/2 broke to the max !
3 more weeks to pay day !
how to survive ?
Bonito is launching tml again !
i dunno if i can resist it..
but hoping i would.. spent too much liao !
i bought like 3tops & 1 dress from them.
from backorder.. cant wait to have them..(:
and ya, 1 more HH cardi.. love it to the max. >.<
nth much to post.. hopefully i rmb my card reader tml so that i can post the photos up !!
Loved ♥